Thursday, May 14, 2015

Off to the races!

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Following the coronation event I was off to the races, bright and early on Monday morning I attended yet another radio interview, this time as the Motherlode Round-Up Queen. From there I jetted off to get my coronation headshots taken, that would appear in the program and on my autograph sheets.

I made a quick pit stop at work for two days then it was back at it, with one of the most rewarding parts of the job, school tours. I had a trip to the local FFA chapter to talk to several highschoolers about jobs in agriculture and the opportunities that college provides.

That night we attended Calcutta, a local event where we auction off teams for the car scramble. Which is a contest in which 2 individuals have to wrestle a steer to the ground, tie a ribbon on it's tail and race across the finish. As always it was a wild event with shirtless cowboys, and a few adventurous ones who hoisted my not so tiny 6 ft frame onto their shoulders.

Friday it was the little ones turn, Mary the first runner-up, Carollann Miss Rodeo California and myself, attended several school visits. We had a wonderful time interacting with the kids, and I think made a few lifetime rodeo fans in the process.

Afterward we showed Carollann a little of our charming downtown, and even managed to help her snag a pretty sweet mother's day present. That evening we held our grand entry practice, where I learned sterling silver sash magnets are not ideal for riding, as mine became one with the arena dirt never to be seen again. In true me fashion I spent the entire evening oiling my brand new saddle so it was ready for the grand entry the following day. 

Of course Saturday was the day of all days, the start of the Motherlode Round-Up! We met on the parade route and started the trek downtown. For those of you that don't know me, I am a emotional one, but I'm not always a cryer. I didn't even cry on coronation night, when most girls do.

But when I hit the intersection in front of my family's building, the place where I watched the parade for so many years, waterworks hit. Of course we had at least 3 photographers who were eager to catch this on camera. Thank god for waterproof mascara!

At the rodeo we had a bit of trouble with the gate, as in true Mighty Mouse fashion she was more than ready to go. But thankfully for me daddy was there to save the day. If only he could be at every rodeo to calm her down. It was a long day between signing autographs, cleaning stalls, and getting ready for the next performance, but I managed to enjoy every minute of it. 

Bright and early we were up on Mother's Day for breakfast then Cowboy Church, I am super excited that I have the privilege to travel this year and attend dozens more of Mr. Coy Hoffman's sermons while I'm on the road. 

Mom was even pleasantly surprised with some roses, secured when Dad went to help our friend "fuel his pickup". We spent the afternoon holding the kiddie rodeo, and signing tons of other autographs. Grand entry and working cattle during some of the events were the highlight of my arena time, as Miss Mouse really went to town on the furry little guys! 

We finished the evening with our thank you dinner, and another Motherlode tradition, throwing garbanzo beans at each other. This was a little harmless fun. Bless my coordinator's heart she didn't realize was going on, but you can't always be a ladylike can you? 

I hit the road this weekend and still cannot believe the amazing opportunity I am blessed with to represent this amazing rodeo and enjoy it with some pretty great friends! So stick around for more of our wild ride. 


  1. congrats again on your win!! what a whirlwind!

  2. Looking forward to reading more rodeo queen adventures!

  3. So much going on! But it's going to be an amazing journey, that's for sure!
