Wednesday, December 18, 2013

I'm on my computer..... again

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After a wonderful dinner with L at a super cute hole in the wall down the road from my house I am back in front of my computer. If you had told me in college that I would spend 9 hours a day in front of a computer, then go home to another one I'd say hell no! Yet here I am, in from of the old macbook.

As L and I talked it was wonderful, yet super sad. I am living in an area with one of the strongest hunt seat ties in my state, yet I don't have an english horse. Sure my precious Ray can do anything and is absolutely perfect, yet he is not a hunter. To add insult to injury in the past 2 years I had two horses that could've done hunters, jumpers, or possibly 3 day. Yet for a variety of reasons I found them new homes. On top of that I am on a waiting list to have Ray up here at Stanford as our barn is full again, but that's ok I will wait it out, because I know that being patient ends up paying off, even if it is completely lame.

Don't get me wrong I love queening and have met some super awesome people. I just am struggling being the odd man out. This also could be the wine talking, if any of y'all are underage just skip this part. For the second night in a row I have poured myself a large glass, last night was caused by a completely tragic/ridiculous/unbelievable date. Tonight however my wonderful red friend has made me more nostalgic than sad.

Sure I don't have a perfect hunter pony and I am not preparing for the medals anytime soon. But at least I am still surrounded by beautiful horses and amazing riders I can watch, and even join from time to time. As for myself I will keep my nose to the grindstone and continue to prepare for pageants. After all, there was a reason I got involved in this insanity at one point!

Right now I should be working on sponsorship prep for my pageant, instead I am blogging. In my defense I have almost finished my sponsor brochure, because I decided a letter was boring and had been done before! Hopefully in the next year I can make my mark on the queening world, maybe I will win a title, maybe just have fun in sparkly clothes. The good thing is I can always come back to my hunt seat side at a later date. I'm probably overthinking all this, but that seems to be what I do best! Ah well c'est la vie.

Please excuse the lousy quality, these are screen shots. Sponsor brochure!


  1. The wonderful thing about horses and disciplines is most will always be there for you later. With pageants though you will age out so now is most definitely the time!

    1. thanks for calling me old ;) lol it is true though there's so many things I wish I did with my junior years.. I am not doing that with pageants!

  2. Queening sounds really interesting, and like L said, you can always jump colourful sticks with this chapter of your life is done. ;)

    If you don't mind me mentioning: on the front side of your brochure, the second paragraph says "foundest" instead of "fondest", and the fourth says "it's" instead of "its". :)

    1. thanks it is, its fun to do something not many people are familiar with! ya I honestly haven't proofed any of the copy yet, I was telling L last night I would have it proofed by today... that didn't happen haha!

  3. Love the brochure! And sometimes it takes something to go away before you realize how important it is to you.

    1. Thanks! ya I think that I am in a good place, it's just a tad weird to be the only western kid around, usually it was the reverse when I did huntseat and western...

  4. Hopefully a spot opens for you soon at the red barn! :)

    In the mean time, come hangout with us to get your horse fix! :)

    1. Trust me I will! next two weeks I will be at the ranch riding my own horses, but I am hoping come Jan 5th to be out at wmr again.

  5. Cute brochure! Of course its purple ;)

    1. you know me! haha plus it matches my clothes in the photos
